After months of petition signing and campaigning, the Catalan parliament voted against this cruel spectacle that has no place in contemporary Spain. This is an important step forward in animal welfare in Catalonia, let's hope that the rest of Spain follows by their example. The ban will be implemented as of January 2012 when Barcelona's last remaining bullring will be closed.
Whilst one barbaric tradition has been eradicated in Catalonia, the struggle for animal rights is by no means over as the practice of the "correbous" is widespread during local festivities in the south of Tarragona. Literally translated as the "bullrun", the 'sport' involves setting light to the cloth tied round a bull's horns, making it flee in terror of the fire. The villagers chase after the tortured bull which runs until it is exhausted or ends up jumping in the sea. Supporters of this inhumane practice justify its existence by the fact it is centuries old and the bull is not killed in the process but how can that justify inflicting terror and torment upon a sentient being in the name of 'fun'. Political and social pressure needs to continue until this cruel practice is outlawed along with bullfighting.
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